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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A college student complains of the sudden onset of fever, chills, malaise, nonproductive cough, and numerous sick contacts in the fall season.
◆ What is the most likely diagnosis?
◆ What is the biochemical mechanism of action of ribavirin?
◆ What is the genetic make up of this infectious organism?
Summary: A college student complains of the sudden onset of fever, chills, malaise, nonproductive cough, and numerous sick contacts in the fall season.
◆ Likely diagnosis:
Acute influenza infection
Acute influenza infection
◆ Biochemical mechanism of action of ribavirin:
A nucleoside analogue with activity against a variety of viral infections.
A nucleoside analogue with activity against a variety of viral infections.
◆ Genetic makeup of organism:
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) respiratory virus
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) respiratory virus
This 21-year-old college student has the clinical clues suggestive of acute influenza. Typically, the illness occurs in the winter months with an acute onset of fever, myalgias (muscle aches), headache, cough, and sore throat. Usually, there are outbreaks with many individuals with the same symptoms. This patient is young and healthy, and antiviral therapy is not mandatory. The best way to prevent the infection is by influenza vaccination, usually given in October or November of each year. Because of the antigenic changes of the virus, a new vaccine must be given each year. Patients who are at especially high risk for severe complications or death should receive the vaccine each year. These include the elderly and people with asthma, chronic lung disease, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, diabetes, or chronic renal insufficiency.